Tuesday, July 24, 2012

How to Determine Ring Size

Determining ring size is not easy, especially when looking to buy a ring online. Ring are a quite luxurious piece of jewelry especially if you choose diamond or platinum ones. When shopping for rings there are several methods on how to determine ring size that available to know.

The following step will help you to determine your ring size from the comfort of your home, no need to desperate when there is a clueless about ring sizes.
1. To measure, use scale and cut a strip of paper using scissors which is 1/2" in breath and about 5" in length.
2. Choose the finger you want to take measurement of, around the base of the finger, wind strip of paper up.
3. Make a marking use a pen or a pencil on the wrapped paper on its outer end at place the strip overlaps.
4. To measure the distance from the mark you made earlier, use your scale again to the end of outside of the strip. To the nearest millimeter, just round up your measurement.
5. You can search the chart at internet which shows ring size and determine your ring size accurately.
Tips on how to determine ring size to make sure the right ring size is found
- The best time to measure the finger is in the middle of the day, and it should be at normal temperature. Don't measure in extreme cold or heat, while women's menstrual cycle, bad mood swings, or even after vigorous exercise, because all of them affect to blood vessels and affect to ring size.
- Knuckle sizes consideration. People, who have thicker knuckles even though they have slim fingers, will want to make sure that ring is able to move the ring over the knuckle.
- When printing the chart, it is important to make sure to use a 100% scale. Before printing, you should make sure that the printer you use, not to resize images. Otherwise, its measurements can't be used.
- If necessary, you can around up to a larger size. It is not always, but it is advisable. It is best to choose the larger size, because not all jewelers offer 1/2 or /14 quarter ring size. So when you stuck between 2 numbers of ring size, you can around up to a larger size.
- If possible, find as many as types of sizer. It is best to try several more than one style of chart, since all ring size charts can vary. Try from several merchant to find accurate measurement. Averaging the sizes is better than single chart.
Almost jewelers will be happy to help you in determining ring size, so you don't have to worry about how to determine ring size. Even if the rings should be resized many times, most jewelry stores will only charge once. Using a graduate tool, your jeweler will compare the point and get the ring size. As you can see, it is not difficult to determine the ring size.

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