Friday, July 27, 2012

Mood Ring Colors And Mood Ring Meanings

What is mood ring?
Mood ring are rings that can show the emotion of the wearer through its color. From here one question comes up, how come the mood ring, as a death thing, can predict the feeling that the wearer feels?
The mood ring contains thermo liquid crystals and it will change its color whenever there is a small change in your body temperature. The mood and the temperature are both depend on the amount of blood that reaches to your skin. When you are stress, your body directs blood toward your internal organs with less blood reaching your finger and that is when the mood ring colors change its color to grey or amber. However, the mood ring colors will change into blue or violet if you feel happy.  It means more blood flows to the extremities so that it increase the temperature of your finger. And from here we can conclude there will be certain basic requirements over the work of mood ring.

Mood ring colors and meanings
BLACK: the mood ring meanings of black is usually associated with negativity; such as stress, excitation, high negative energy, anger, nervous, tense, harassed, and overwork. But sometimes when your mood ring at the black color, it might also mean that your mood ring color has damaged or broken.
GREY: the mood ring meanings of grey at your mood ring are a symbol of anxiety, (more or less intense) fear, weird feelings, nervous, and strained.
WHITE: Even though white is always known as the symbol of innocence and purity but at the mood ring meanings you may have a completely opposite meaning than that. When white color appears at your mood ring, it means that you are bored, frustrated, tired, unenthusiastic, and confused.
PURPLE: the color of purple is always connected by sensuality but sometimes it can represent the color of spirituality. So, when you see the color of purple in your mood ring, it means that you are experiencing sensuality but also can be haunted by memories or regrets.
PINK: pink is known as the color of love but in the mood ring color, it means that you are impatient, anxious about something you fear, enamored, fascinated, or obsessed with someone or something.
BLUE VIOLET: when the color of blue violet appears, therefore you are in the mood of really happy and romantic or your life is full of potential. And you also are experiencing an extremely high passion and might be extremely in love, because purple is the color of passion.
BROWN: brown color appears at your ring means that you are restless, having some heated emotions, troubled or fear of something, or it can be a symbol of rebellion.
RED: red color has two meanings. It can be associated with confidence, passion, joy, energized, thrilled, and active. But in the contrary it can also mean you are under stressed, pressure, alarmed or lack of confidence.
GREEN: green is always related to nature and positive vibrations. And in the mood ring, it shows that you are relaxed, calm, in love, active, and not under stressed.
Actually there are more color that can appear in the mood ring meanings; such as yellow, orange, dark blue and some more. Even though the color in the mood ring meanings can predict your mood correctly, but you might not depend on the mood ring meanings.  It means that the one who truly understand your emotion is only yourself.

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